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Topic: Automix Compared to VDJ7 and VDJ8 - Page: 1

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Jiver33PRO InfinityMember since 2010
Hi there,

I have been experimenting with VDJ 8 and, so far, I have a good idea of how to set the the options to my needs. I DJ about once or twice a week at ballroom and latin dances, there are also requests for other genres, as well, my questions is... I use automix for lessons and require a constant tempo, so, when I change the tempo, the next song will reset to 0%. I set the option to not reset. How do I keep the temp, for example, -10% when using automix? It works fine when I manually load song to a deck. Also, this works fine in VDJ7 Pro both manually and automix.



Posted Tue 26 May 15 @ 12:11 pm
I think if you go into settings type in autobpm set parm to no problem should be fixed I think.

Posted Tue 02 Jun 15 @ 12:53 am
djbaum81PRO SubscriberMember since 2012
Dj mike is right. I also use songs with very close matching BPM's back to back, it reduces the pitch change considerably.

Posted Tue 02 Jun 15 @ 12:57 pm
Hi all,
just to pitch in here, no pun intended, I think that the op was asking how to keep every track in the playlist at the same reduced pitch without it always reseting to the original bpm, meaning that one could play every waltz, jive,tango etc. etc. etc. at a reduced speed. And if I think about it, I am a dance teacher, that would be so cool.
good question Mr.jiver

Posted Tue 02 Jun 15 @ 4:26 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Yes it does seem that automix ignores "resetPitchOnLoad" no, I'd call that a bug

Until there's a fix, pop this on a custom button, it's a on off type button

var_equal "AMpWA" 0 ? off & set "AMpWA" 1 & repeat_start_instant "AMpitcher" 33ms & load_pulse ? nothing : pitch 90% : blink & set "AMpWA" 0 & repeat_stop "AMpitcher"

if you want to pick up the pace I could expand this so it takes note of the pitch set manually, so you start the lesson @-10% for a few songs, a few songs in and you manually increase to -7% and it remembers this.

Posted Tue 02 Jun 15 @ 8:43 pm
hey Loco, ur a genius, I think that's exactly what Gordon(OP) was looking for!
I've played around with it this mornin and it works super, would it work if I was to have the % value set to 95% so it's only 5% slower?
Then in theory I could have one custom button, with different pitch settings, 10% is almost too much, dancers are often very fussy.
But with the choice of 3, 5, 7, or 10% I think it would be absolutely perfect, like on one button that I can choose by right clicking on it.
Whoop Whoop, done it already, love it, thanks Loco!

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 6:29 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Yeah you can do that, or I can modify the script just a little and it will pay attention to the pitch fader, so if you start at -20% it will continue the AM -20% if you change the pitch slider it will continue the AM at this new pitch.

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 10:11 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
var_equal "AMpWA" 0 ? off & set "AMpWA" 1 & repeat_start_instant "AMpitcher" 33ms & load_pulse ? repeat_start_instant "pitchRem" 1000ms 1 & pitch & param_cast & set "AMpitch" : get_var "AMpitch" & param_cast & pitch : blink & set "AMpWA" 0 & repeat_stop "AMpitcher"

This will remember the pitch slider from one AM track to the next.

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 11:21 am
That is sick man, must in 1 deck mode use, so coooool.
u r the "canine testicles"

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 1:02 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I guessed that single deck AM is the norm but I don't think it'd be much to figure 2 deck. I just imagined in a dance school setting single deck AM would do the job.

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 1:08 pm
yeah man,
single deck is just fine, don't worry about 2 decks. I only said that to inform the users to use one deck, before peeps started to say that it doesn't work for some reason.
top job, thx

Posted Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 3:09 pm
Yeah you can do that, or I can modify the script just a little and it will pay attention to the pitch fader, so if you start at -20% it will continue the AM -20% if you change the pitch slider it will continue the AM at this new pitch.


Posted Fri 05 Jun 15 @ 12:13 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Done that already, pay attention :-)

Posted Fri 05 Jun 15 @ 12:17 am
Jiver33PRO InfinityMember since 2010
Thanks for the replies..

At the moment, I walk back the my controller and reset the pitch slider and then set to the desired pitch. Not a huge deal, however, it would be nice to keep the pitch, reduced or increased, constant for the lessons.

When the dancing begins, it's all fine at 0%!

Posted Tue 09 Jun 15 @ 11:52 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Put this on a custom button

var_equal "AMpWA" 0 ? off & set "AMpWA" 1 & repeat_start_instant "AMpitcher" 33ms & load_pulse ? repeat_start_instant "pitchRem" 1000ms 1 & pitch & param_cast & set "AMpitch" : get_var "AMpitch" & param_cast & pitch : blink & set "AMpWA" 0 & repeat_stop "AMpitcher"

This will remember the pitch slider from one AM track to the next, tweak the pitch, and it will stick.

Press the button at the start of the lesson , start your automix, job done

Posted Tue 09 Jun 15 @ 12:33 pm
Jiver33PRO InfinityMember since 2010
locodog wrote :
Put this on a custom button

var_equal "AMpWA" 0 ? off & set "AMpWA" 1 & repeat_start_instant "AMpitcher" 33ms & load_pulse ? repeat_start_instant "pitchRem" 1000ms 1 & pitch & param_cast & set "AMpitch" : get_var "AMpitch" & param_cast & pitch : blink & set "AMpWA" 0 & repeat_stop "AMpitcher"

This will remember the pitch slider from one AM track to the next, tweak the pitch, and it will stick.

Press the button at the start of the lesson , start your automix, job done

I attempted to perform the above task; however, I was unable to figure out how I would set up a custom button. May I ask how to do this...? I have the latest VDJ 8 and RMX2 Premium TR as my main system (Win 8.1) and VDJ 8 and RMX as back up system (Win 7).

Thank you,


Posted Sat 13 Jun 15 @ 11:35 am
Hi Gordon, I don't know what skin you use(I use Fruits skin) but somewhere you should have some custom buttons,

right click on one of them and cut and paste Loco's script onto the top line in the little window that opens up, then give the button a name in the bottom line .... mine's called same ... hey presto

Posted Sat 13 Jun 15 @ 12:26 pm
Jiver33PRO InfinityMember since 2010
raypitman wrote :
Hi Gordon, I don't know what skin you use(I use Fruits skin) but somewhere you should have some custom buttons,

right click on one of them and cut and paste Loco's script onto the top line in the little window that opens up, then give the button a name in the bottom line .... mine's called same ... hey presto

Hi Raypitman,

Thank you... it worked!

Posted Sun 14 Jun 15 @ 10:31 pm
I went cross eyed on this one. How you guys come up with these code strings is truly amazing.

It would be really nice if these lengthy strings of code be accompanied by the English pseudo code.


Create a variable: "AMpWA" and give it a value of: 0

? = choice of (in this case) 2 options

Choice 1:

(turn something off) and load variable AMpWA with a value of: 1

Then I'm stuck. I cannot find "repeat_start_instant" in the verb list. Where did that come from?

You guys are frickin' BRAIN-E-ACKS.

Posted Mon 15 Jun 15 @ 3:24 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
It's a recently new script and the verb list is untouched since early v8 days.
You can see it's description from the mappings editor.

It's a great verb with loads of scope, timers, delays and this case checking for load_pulse turning 0,
33ms is the fastest they can repeat (or so I've found)

If you've a script problem just post it, every question makes me look at V8 in a new way.

pitch & param_cast & set "AMpitch"
takes the pitch and passes the value to a variable

get_var "AMpitch" & param_cast & pitch
and this passes it the other way

You can also
set "someVar" 2.4


Posted Mon 15 Jun 15 @ 4:56 am