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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Remote App - Wishes and new features - Page: 7
Larger 'Play' buttons.. the old format was a bit larger.. I seem to miss them quite a lot..

I usually drag songs in my players with two fingers but you can add them to the playlist, using a third finger selecting the playlist. But then tracks seem to be placed to the identical position as it had in the list it's dragged from.

Watch this video please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC4Ww3f1hAo

Posted Sat 04 May 24 @ 7:16 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I can do skin tweaks if bigger buttons is a thing you want, as to your video, is it always dragging to under the selected position? therefore just pick the spot before you drag?

PM me is you want the skin tweak.

Posted Sat 04 May 24 @ 7:40 pm
locoDog wrote :
I can do skin tweaks if bigger buttons is a thing you want, as to your video, is it always dragging to under the selected position? therefore just pick the spot before you drag?

PM me is you want the skin tweak.

In my message I typed dragging to a playlist but it's the "Automix" list actually, and positions for items that are dragged to the "automix" are taken over. No problem with small lists, but with more than 100 items and a larger '"Automix" list, items got lost.. and not easy to find then.

I have no idea how to PM on the Virtual DJ forum.. but thanx for your offer to modify larger buttons.
I don't need/use the loop stuff. Just the regular sized Cue and Stop.. but a larger x-fader and Play button would be much apreciated.

Oh.. and an Automix on/off button would also come in handy sometimes.. :-)


Posted Sat 04 May 24 @ 8:26 pm
The GUI has been modified with larger buttons for the play section.. Loop functions deleted. Thanx for that!!

I'm curious if the problem with the sequencenumber, taken over from the playlist when putted it in the automix list can also be solved.

Posted Wed 08 May 24 @ 7:55 pm